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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Today is a day to reflect

I got up this morning felling probably better that I have in a week or two. The day was gray but I was excited to go to Sunday School with my grandson Caleb and then to relay the message during UMW Sunday in the Worship service. I picked 5 women of the bible to portray and with each woman I had a different piece of clothing to wear and a different piece that was special to that woman to put on the altar at the end of my portraial. I got through the first three and began to speak about the woman who's only hope was to touch the hem of Christ's garment so that she would be healed. I spoke of hating the people who looked past me or made fun of me because of my illness. Who yelled hurtful things at me and shielded their children from me because I was unclean and might hurt them. One line said in a questioning tone, Me, Me hurt them? I talked about wanting to have a little girl that I could hold on my knee and tell stories too. About having no hope but then hearing about Jesus of Nazareth who healed the man of demons, who healed the leaper and raisied a man from the dead. I got the part after the woman had touched his robe, where I was talking about Christ healing and what he did for her, and I was in tears. My throat closed up and I was close to sobbing. "He took my hands and pulled me to my feet. He touched me! He didn't just touch my hands, he touched me here, on the inside, in my heart, in my soul, in all of me. In that moment and many moments at other times before I came to realize again that not only did he touch that woman but He touched me, Renee and He took away my pain, my sickness, my sin. So today I ask you to reflect on the impact that Jesus has made on your life. He definately has touched my life and I know he has or can touch yours.