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Sunday, February 28, 2010

So Let's Get Started

I started this about a year ago. Adoption Journal for Ester Isabel by Grandma Nay 2009.
May 16th- I told your mom that I thought I was the one who was suppose to go to Africa with them. She was excited because she wanted to ask me to go but never thought I would fly again. The last time it wasn't that great an experience and I don't like heights.
May 24th- Your mom told your Grandpa Speed and Uncle Seth that I was going to Africa with them. They were playing cards and Uncle Seth choked. "Bad Hand?" your mom asked.
May 29th- was the first time that Grandpa Speed talked to me about going to Africa.He doesn't want me to go because he thinks something bad is gong to happen, a plane crash or getting sick or something. But it's not going to stop me!!!!!
May 30th- We went to a picnic for Lutheran Social Services. Had a great time, met several of Gretchen and Bill's friends who are or will be adopting. For future reference sometimes I will get lazy and put G and B= Gretchen and Bill.
June 3rd- sent away for my passport
June 13th/ 14th- G and B had a backyard sale in their yard for Passport to Africa.
June 15th-18th- We had Vacation Bible School. Each day G, Laural, Caleb, Randy and I talked a little about our mission project, Delivering Hope.
June 20th- The yard sale continued. We helped G and B take things to the Good Will, and celebrated Father's Day at McDonald's.
July 3rd- got my passport.
July 15th- We oked another yard sale with Lee Wight and a carwash.
July 17th- G and I went to Indianapolis to stay with Lynn and Matt. We visited with Jen and Dan and their little girl and had real Ethiopian food. We also attended a FTIA Picnic, where your mom found out that they were in 3rd place for a referral. We are waiting for the perfect little girl, YOU. :)
July 23rd- I went with G, Laural, Sam and Caleb to a Lutheran Social Services Ice Cream Social in the Cities. I'm glad we are going to Africa to get you. Your mom talked to another couple about adopting from there. God is telling them that that's where they need to go to get their next child.
July 27th- I sent Mr. Little and Mrs. H a letter about going with your parents to Africa. I am hoping for the best, I hope they don't say no. I typed an article for the newsletter about the carwash and yardsale in September.
August 1st- the tub at the church was full after VBS and I went in today and were were two more bags of clothing. Yeah. The newsletter has only been out 2 days.
July 27 thru??? cleaning and sorting out stuff for yardsale.
This whole Africa thing is a little scary. Not the part about getting you but the part about flying, deciding to get shots or not, getting sick Or Missing Out On The Most Exciting Time Of Our Lives. What if the school district says no? What if the money doesn't come in? My whole life seems to be what if's. I know I just need to let go and let God but as everyone knows that's easier said than done. School is starting soon so that will fill up my days and I won't have as much time to worry. I'm not sure what your mom will do while we wait at least B has work, Laural and Caleb have school. Sam had better keep your mom busy.
October 8th- Well it's October and it's been a long time since I wrote anything. Not because I didn't have anything to write but things just seemed to get in the way. We had a great yardsale and carwash, we spent 2 weeks hauling and collecting and after 3 hours setting up on Friday and 1 1/2 hours on Saturday morning we were ready to open business. Your Grandpa Speed, Caleb and Sam and Grandma Marsha manned the yardsale. Laural, Grace, Phillip and Joyce were in charge of cheers and waving the customers in . Uncle Seth, Your Mom, Kara Kimler, Tyler Carlson, Randy Douglass and I were car washers. I sunburned the part on the top of my head, we were out on the blacktop.
The Week of September 10th-The Devil is out to stop us but he will not prevail. Your Mom and Laural were planning on going to Indianapolis for a fundraiser. On Thursday G called and said that Laural had a severe head trama and could I get the boys. Things were scary for a while for your big sister. The boys spent two nights with us. Again the Devil was out to get us. Aunt Tami was suppose to watch your brothers during the yardsale and Garrett got sick. So Grandpa got two helpers. We made a deal with Lee if we could store the stuff in his shed until the scenic drive we would scrub the floor under the pews in the church. He got the better deal.
We yardsaled in October during the first weekend of the Scenic Drive. It was WET. We took turns going over to the Dahinda Church to warm up. The Devil was at it again. Our purple car blew up so we had to borrow Uncle Nathan's truck. I have been waiting and waiting to hear from Mr. Little or Mrs. H. so today I walked over the the administration office and talked to Donna. She said he oked it. There were tears in my eyes, I was caught off guard. Overwhelmed by the reality that I was really going to get to go to get you.
Things were tuff again and we had a prayer session at the church. Thanks to those who came to pray with us. While we were there, Gretchen said God told her "She's coming."
We had a Celebration of Adoption Meal at the church and your Mom gave a really good presentation.

1 comment:

  1. I worked on this for about 2 hours last night and was within a page or so of having my first journal done and the screen went blank. Thank goodness Gretchen said it was still there un a draft. When I get home I'll post the rest and start on my trip journal.
